Quarterly sustainability update – these are the Q3 highlights
Discover all about our journey towards a sustainable future

Introducing CTOUCH Neo: You already know how to use it
The most user friendly touchscreen for education and business

CTOUCH Shortlisted for the AV Awards 2022
AV Magazine’s honoured us as finalist in the AV Awards 2022!

Quarterly sustainability update - what steps are we taking?
Discover all about our journey towards a sustainable future

CTOUCH adopts a channel direct model in the UK
Working directly with our customers allows us to focus on our products

A greener world to embrace with Trees for All and Heartbeat
For you, the magic of touchscreens. For the world, a green boost.

Introducing CTOUCH Heartbeat - the new As A Service programme
Making your touchscreen last a lifetime – As A Service

Another step closer to a sustainable future: CTOUCH ISO 14001 certified!
We passed with flying colours!