More to read
1. Blended learning, hybrid learning, flipped classroom… say what?
If you talk about digitisation in education, you are talking about blended learning, hybrid learning, virtual classrooms, flipped classrooms.... Terms that are now increasingly anchored in education. But what's the difference?
2. Tips on how to beat those Microsoft Teams struggles
Are you already using Microsoft Teams for online education and want to get even better? Or are you planning to do so and don't know where to start? Check out these 9 tips on how to beat those Microsoft Teams struggles as a teacher. Success guaranteed 😉
3. Let's talk digital: 6 advantages of digital education
Education has shown itself to be incredibly flexible over the past year. From one day to the next, schools and universities switched from offline to online learning. And that brings many advantages! Would you like to know which ones? Then download the infographic with 6 reasons to go digital!