June 19th and 20th 2019 were all about celebrating success. And not just anyone we celebrated this success with…As we can’t imagine a world without touchscreens, we certainly can’t imagine it without our outstanding distributors, resellers and technology partners involved. Therefore, we immersed our partners in a journey about reaching the top, creating valuable solutions and… a LOT of fun during the CTOUCH ‘Level Up’ event.
Yesterday morning, we welcomed our partners from the Benelux and Germany. Shiny and bright and ready to get the day started. The day began with a big BANG. Our partners were introduced to the flexible upgradeable family of collaboration solutions. For all end user needs and requirements. Proud as we are, we couldn’t wait to show our latest editions of our corporate touchscreen solutions. What to expect as a CTOUCH touchscreen user? Pay for what you need. Easy to upgrade. Exchangeable. Hardware & Software integrated. What do employees need to work better and faster and most importantly: what do they need to experience more fun in their daily routines? The answer is bundled into our new corporate solutions; the Leddura 2Share Essentials, Leddura2Share Pro, Leddura Zoom Rooms, Leddura 2Meet Skype for Business and Leddura 2Meet Teams. More news to be announced soon!
In the afternoon our more partners from overseas joined us. Of course they received a warm welcome. Well, the weather certainly got us warmed up as well. After enjoying a rich lunch, we were all fueled up and ready to dive into the CTOUCH vision on the future of collaboration.
Collaboration is evolving rapidly and so is CTOUCH! We can’t just sit back and relax. These are some fun and real-time facts we’re dealing with:
25% of the video meetings have at least one participant.
73% of the meetings are gathered by 2 till 4 people.
77% of the people are involved in meetings through desktop or laptop.
40% of the people waste 30 minutes per day finding a meeting room.
So what was our answer? Compared to last year, we…:
…increased 25% in revenue.
…expanded our family by factor 2!
…are active in at least 8 more countries.
AND we are introducing 4 new products.
We got some amazing speakers. Barco talked us through “Digital Collaboration”. Digital collaboration not only within meetings rooms, but also within classrooms. After all, bringing your own device is becoming the norm for many in education, but also within the corporate environment. Classrooms and meeting rooms are expanding with new cool tools or even being redesigned in complete new modern virtual & hybrid spaces.
Last but not least, we got treated with the latest trends and developments in Microsoft Teams presented by Michel Bouman from Microsoft. We all know now Teams is the fastest growing business app in Microsoft history. So as an end user gather your team and we guide you in how to make the best use of Microsoft Teams on your Leddura 2Meet.
A lot to think about, right? And a lot to talk about. So we closed our Wednesday with social gathering, networking, delicious food, specials drinks and some cool FUN stuff. Virtually walking the plank on top of a skyscraper, would you dare to do it (again)? :)
All in all a great and successful Level Up event! Thank you all for coming and stay tuned for a whole lot of pictures to look at on our website and social channels soon!