Imagine the classroom of the future and win!

Submit your entry and WIN an interactive CTOUCH panel!

CTOUCH Future of education with VR technology small

How do you and your students imagine the classroom of the future?

Get together with your students, create the classroom of the future in your medium of choice and enter to win. Your submission can be a photograph, a poem, a drawing, a video, a mixed media project… we won’t limit your creativity. Engage your students and surprise us!

CTOUCH Group of happy kids with their teacher working small

The prize package of the future

The best three submissions will receive:

  • a pre-loved CTOUCH Riva interactive panel
  • Android Upgrade Module for the Riva
  • personal, on-site training: product training and carbon literacy training

Your CTOUCH Riva will be future proof with the Android Upgrade Module, providing an actively supported OS and up-to-date security for years to come. Product training focuses on getting the most out of your lessons. The carbon literacy training helps you understand how to put sustainability into practice.

CTOUCH Riva display startscreen android upgrade module

Submission rules

Your submission must:

  • portray your idea of the classroom of the future
  • be creative
  • be made in your medium of your choice
  • be submitted via the form below
  • be sent before the deadline of March 31st, 2024
CTOUCH Pencil Drawing on Blackboard with Classroom Essentials small