A chat with: Willem Jan van der Meer
Why did you choose to work at CTOUCH?
A job that suits me is one that involves everyday (electronic) consumer products that make customers happy. I also like it that it is an organisation that is big enough to form a solid base but small enough to be able to exert relevant influence. I find all this at CTOUCH.
What does your average day look like?
Because we work agile as a team, we make a two weekly planning (sprint) so most tasks are planned. In addition, there obviously has to be room for 'unplanned' matters such as technical questions from customers, sales or our support team. Part of the tasks as I perform them; improvements/development of products, writing technical specs, giving training, communication with suppliers and customers, a lot of cooperation with colleagues.
How many times a day do you burst out laughing?
It depends on how busy we are, but several times a day, we also need to laugh. Even now that we work a lot from home, there are still regular laughter moments during video calls. So for me at least once a day but unfortunately not everyone understands my jokes, sometimes very painful. 😉
What functionality (of your product) are you most proud of?
The functionality I am most proud of is that the screen automatically turns off the display when no user is detected anymore (energy saving). The reason I am proud of this is that it uses existing hardware in the screen only then linked together in a smart way. This technique is now even used again in our latest screen the Canvas.
How do you see CTOUCH products in - say - 10 years?
In 10 years' time, the generation that is now growing up with touchscreens in education will have joined the business world in large numbers. This means that touchscreens will (have to) be everywhere in the business world. All of them are equipped with smart solutions to make collaboration (on location but also remotely) as accessible and user-friendly as possible.
Below are CTOUCH's core values, which one appeals to you the most and explain how you apply it in your job.
Although they are all important, 'We work smarter' appeals to me the most. Within the P&I Team, we join forces to ensure that we develop new smart things together. It is impossible to get all the knowledge from one person, so smart cooperation brings us further as CTOUCH, but also enriches your own knowledge.
What tips do you have for someone who wants to do this kind of work?
If you want to be part of the Product & Innovation team at CTOUCH, you must above all make sure that you conquer your place in the team. You do this by coming up with innovative ideas, pursuing them with enthusiasm, being flexible because not everything is possible, and making sure you have a good dose of humour (good for putting things into perspective).