Just a few weeks back, we were talking about the struggles of working from home. Well, it seems, it just isn't for everyone. Some prefer routine and structure. Some employees, on the other hand, love it! We find it difficult to 'disconnect' or 'unplug' from our work. We miss the interaction with our colleagues. But we are all getting a little bit crazy by all the distractions in the house. How much longer is this going to last, is what you are thinking, sad and frustrated with yourself.
Don't be sad (okay, a little bit then). Let's look on the bright side. Working from home has also shown everyone that a lot is possible. It may not always be sunshine and rainbows. But working remotely also has its advantages. Yes! It really does! You almost wouldn't believe it anymore, but it really has its advantages! 😉
Flexible agenda: what is an agenda?
Our working days look very different for a couple of months now. Our working hours have also changed since then. Some start later, others start earlier. The tight schedule of getting up early, going to work and doing all the household chores after work no longer exists. We like it. And you do too, don't deny it. A full laundry basket is a thing of the past. Or vacuuming between meetings? It's possible. Partly because of this, we experience a better balance between work and private life. We can follow our own rhythm and fill in our day.
Flexible workplace: hello kitchen table
Work wherever we want. We are no longer tied to the traditional office with noisy and chatty colleagues (sorry). Okay, of course, the office is very cosy. Discussing the day over a cup of coffee. Lovely! But a flexible workplace certainly has its advantages. We are much more productive and efficient! In silence at the kitchen table. Or on the couch. Although that may not be the most ideal workplace to work productively. But hey, it's nice.
Zero travel time: extra sleep!
You read that correctly! Extra sleep and more free time! That sounds like music to our ears! We don't have to get in the car anymore (thank heavens) and end up in traffic jams. With the result that we grumpily enter the office. No more mild panic attacks about whether we'll be at the office on time for that one important appointment. No more stress about being on time for dinner.
More time with family: honey, I'm still working!
Because of that flexible schedule and the loss of travel time, we have more time left for our family. We are happy with that, especially in these times. Of course, we miss our colleagues and coffee, but we get something beautiful in return. Sometimes then. No matter how much we like our family and how nice it is that we spend more time together. It provides the necessary distraction. But we take that for granted.
The new normal
We all thought that working from home was something for the future. Wrong. Look where we are now. It is and remains a challenge. What are the future workplace trends and predictions to be prepared for? In one of our whitepapers, we take you on a journey in this new way of working. Subscribe to our newsletter below and follow us on our socials. We will keep you informed. Why? Well, we know a thing or two about the new way of working from home. We know just what to do!